Guardians of Gaia Details
Guardians of Gaia can be taken after completion of Level 5. It requires Seraphic Approval.

This course is taught in three parts and received over two days. The cost is $400.00. One might wonder why is Seraphic approval required to receive these energies. The two days you take to receive these energies is only the beginning. Have you ever gotten an exercise bike and not used it much, read a book and not applied its wisdom to your life, made a commitment and not followed through. These may be extreme examples for I and others have found this to be all too true.

Accepting Responsibility
Receiving these energies enhances your relationship with Gaia, with our Earth and with humanity; that is only is you use these energies on a regular basis. So there is a responsibility to run the energies, which make a precious contribution to the healing process of Gaia and humanity and as in the first level of Seraphim Blueprint to harmonize the interaction between the two. Coming into our remembered awareness on June 5, 2010, the Seraph brought to us an incredibly powerful comprehensive system, which magnificently deepens our understanding of and communication with Gaia in order to aid in her soul evolution. Imagine that! You can help Gaia’s soul evolve. A sweet tear wells in our eyes.

Seraphim Blueprint and Gaia
One of the reasons The Seraphim Blueprint system came to us in 1994 was because our world’s problems could not be handled by governments, institutions, corporations or energies from the ethers. The answer lies in people healing one-on-one, first themselves, then others, then creating groups and collectively agreeing to work to handle, solve one of the little problems. The seraph says in Ruth Rendely’s book Seraphim Blueprint, page 128 “As humans become more and more linked to one another globally, they will become more aware of the need for stewardship of the planet, which will help them to see this planet more from my perspective of overseeing this section of you like galaxy. When all is said and done, humans are aspiring to put me out of a job! Just kidding. But it will be nice to have help rather than resistance when it comes to planetary healing.

Why Now?
Clearly the words from 1994 are coming more fully into the present. Sixteen years later as many have received the initiations through level 5 of the Seraphim Blueprint, time is ripe to take on Service to the Earth as the healing of your-self has sufficiently matured and a more aware consciousness is being employed. The higher energies from Level IV and V have purposefully anchored into Gaia’s energy field in order to expand the use of it now. These newer, deeper and quite detailed intiations (Over 40 pages of notes) will help Gaia and humanity face the complexity of world problems offering responsible solutions enabling significant, progressive, healthy change in the coming years.

Course Content
Guardians of Gaia includes some 30 Initiations and many activatable programs. This course is taught in three parts over 2 days. My students have preferred to take it in a single weekend, Though sometimes I scheduled back to back weekends. It is taught via conference phone calls or in class room style workshops.
Part 1 – Day one
Seraphic Training Programs to enhance the ability to sense and differentiate between nuances of the Earth’s energy fields and Gaia’s soul. Includes energetic Seraphic Tours around the globe. This section is incredibly enjoyed by all the students.
Part 2 – Day one
Becoming a “Guardian of Gaia” and providing Healing and Balancing to her. The activatable Initiations of Part 2 are designed for Gaia’s benefit mostly. Some of the Energies given out enhance the new protective power grid around the planet, healing of trouble spots on Earth, restoration of the original strength of natural power places, plus several other uses.
Part 3 – Day Two
Accessing Gaia’s energies primarily for human benefit. Some of the energies help allow access to Gaia’s memory to gain knowledge, a recalibration of our cellular imprint to the planets energy field after relocation, remote testing of energetic compatibility for travel destinations, new homes etc., and more.

Gaia’s Gift to me
Taking this course has indeed changed me, made me a better person, carrying of the world more and I thought I was pretty good before. The biggest difference is Hearing Gaia. I am aware of her soul, her heartbeat, where she goes, what she dreams of. I feel her hug and appreciation. I lead meditations weekly at Altered Elements studio and we go to Gaia, the being that shares her consciousness, her hopes and purpose. This planet, all planets are evolving, changing, moving, becoming. I feel the Earth’s love, how cool is that!