Seraphim Planetary Healing

This level gives us tools to communicate with nonphysical beings who can partner with us to help this planet and it’s many transitions. This power brings humanity into balance with the natural order. Specific initiations include harmonizing with elementals and vibratory beings.


Price : $150

9am to 5pm Eastern with a 1 hr break for lunch

Loving Earth

It is a very huge energetic level therefore there is only one energy associated with it.  Planetary Healing connects us quite responsibly to our planet earth.  There is even an expanded version called Guardians of Gaia for those who want to wholeheartedly connect to Gaia for additional work.

Hello Out There

The energy of Planetary Healing addresses the energetic and cosmic history of our planet and the things that humanity has done to create discordant energies with the Natural Order.  Within this level there is a restoration of the communication between humanity and the moon and the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.  Once this restoration of relationship is complete the purity of the person becomes advanced enough to communicate with all forms of non-physical beings, in this world and beyond.

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