Seraphic Tour of the Solar System Details

The Seraphic Tour of the Solar System is a course that is taught in a variety of ways. The course begins with a two hour session on the Sun and is followed by two hour classes on each planet, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. Once you have completed the sun you can take the planets individually or all together. The classes may be taught weekly for two hours ($40 per class) over nine weeks or in two all day weekend days ($400). You will be given information on the astrology and the astronomy of each planet followed by washes of favorable energy corresponding to each planet. Once you receive the washes you are prepared to offer these washes to other people. It is a nice way to introduce others to the positive benefits of using planetary washes, which in turn helps them to experience the very real energetic effects that planets have on our bodies.