A Child’s Paradise

When I was a little girl, growing up in Naples, Florida, as did my parents following my grandparents who vacationed here, I looked up at the sky and talked to God and asked for Paradise for the whole world, not just Naples. I saw the beauty in the clouds and imagined wondrous things. I knew love and joy, music and adventure, discipline and hard work, receiving and sharing, and especially family and friendship. My mother taught me and even required of all my friends that when asked to so something the immediate strong verbal response was always to be “I’d be happy to.”
Playing Outside

didn’t have many toys though my parents had the money for them. My parents wanted me to play outside, to touch the land, and find delight in nature. I could get very dirty, playing in the dirt with cups and my mother’s kitchen spoons. (I still can play in the dirt searching for gems getting very dirty.) I remember laughter, glee and delight. I loved the beach while building sandcastles at the waters edge watching the coquinas and sand fleas burrow as I listened to the screech of sea gulls, the rolling of the surf and the dive splash of pelicans.
Nature’s friends

During the winters months we lived on a lot of land on the Gordon River with no neighbors. My early childhood friends were my dad’s hunting dogs, my feral cat named imaginatively “Kitty,” the birds of a nearby egret landing spot and alligators that hoped the birds fell in the water, ladybugs and butterflies and those slimy worms with their wiggly personality; oh and my mischievous though loving brother who enjoyed putting baby alligators in my bathtub. Scream! I was extremely happy and innocent even though I slept in the center of my bed, never letting my feet drift off the edge for fear the alligators would come out from under my bed and bite me.
Beauty Beyond our Borders
North America and the Aurora Borealis

Mom, Dad, my brother and I traveled extensively during the hot Naples summers. We drove throughout the United States and Canada, never knowing where we were going to sleep at night until we got there. I saw and experienced a lot, driving weeks on end and learned how not to be bored and how to be patient. In my early teens I spent summers at camp in northern Canada in the Algonquin Park, living on an island and taking adventurous though exhausting canoe trips. We set our tents up at night and could pick wild blueberries, watch the dance of the loons during the setting and rising sun, and gaze at the magic of the Aurora Borealis otherwise known as the northern lights while safely snuggled in our cotton sleeping bags. Stories of bigfoot sasquatch yeti sightings were nightly entertainment offered by our counselors.
Seeing the World

My family eventually traveled internationally on the less traveled paths yet still seeing major sites to nearly 100 countries where I got to see people of many nationalities, wealths, educations, religions and cultures. They looked different, dressed different, ate odd foods, spoke languages I didn’t understand yet we communicated. The eyes and hearts of others told the same stories, breathed the same desires, suffered the same sorrows and laughed with childlike innocence. Whether I was on the River Ganges in India, climbing Zermatt in Switzerland, NordKap in Norway or Kathmandu in Nepal, observing a Barong Dance in Indonesia, touring Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya or scuba diving in the Galapagos there was communication with people I did not know and could not understand in my native language. I learned we are at the core of our essence desiring the same human evolution although having a different human experience.
Becoming Responsible

I had been a straight A student until I met Advanced Chemistry in high school. Maybe I wouldn’t go to MIT though I applied. In college I studied Sociology, Pre-law and International Studies. After college I further became trained in Business accounting and paralegal. I was an active participant in Transcendental Mediation and the Jesus movement. I married, had three children, worked in Philanthropy, the Junior League, extensive community service, carpooled a multitude of after school programs, taught Bible Study, learned Donna Eden Energy Healing, Dr. Bradley Nelson’s Emotion codes, tapping with Dr. Mercola’s as EFT, and enjoyed a busy social life including being on a tennis team. Wow, when I write that it reads like a lot. At the time it felt like a normally active and socially responsible life. Well, relationships change and as my heart for service to others grew I could not maintain my marriage to one. The transition from married to single was complicated and took a very long time to get a divorce finalized. 9/11 happened and added to my time spent in Meditation, logging in over 40,000 hours. I was on a new path of discovery of expanded consciousness, energy healing and self-empowerment.
Life and work in Naples
Applying Life’s Truths

I moved back to Naples with my son and opened with two other friends an eclectic artsy jewelry, gift and crystal store named Altered Elements – (www.altered-elements.com) highlighting the use of natural stones in mostly sterling silver. More crystals and minerals wanted to be showcased so naturally crystals and metaphysical tools took over where gifts used to be. My other business friends went back to their previous work lives and wished me well as I pursued talking and listening to the rocks and consciousness awakening energy healing. I became a Reiki Master teacher, studied Esoteric healing, Theta Healing and Reconnective Healing. I became a Certified Crystal healer and trained in Psychic and Mediumship Readings with Denise Lescano and Jill M. Jackson. I taught and still teach others how to talk and listen to rocks, what they mean, how they heal, how to read their own akashic records, and how to meditate. During a glorious trip to Mt. Shasta with Deborah Mills I bought Alchemical Crystal Bowls to use in guided meditation at Altered Elements Studio, which are now accompanied by Tibetan Metal Bowls. I have had profound encounters with a non-physical society of Plasma Beings and the Telosians. And there are more….
Meeting the Seraph

One day in 2012 as I was preparing to do a Crystal Healing class at Unity Church I heard Seraphim Blueprint talked about by two others in a conversation near me. I was on fire, what was going on? Sandra McGill had just gotten a book for another. She could get me one in a week. I couldn’t wait, by the time I got in my car it was ordered from Amazon-Rush. It arrived the next day and within two hours it was read. That weekend I took level one in a group and level two semi-private from Sandra McGill. Within a year I had taken and retaken all the classes and was in a group class from Naples at Ruth Rendely’s home in N.C. to become a teacher of the Seraphim Blueprint system. I love this system of healing and discovery of celestial reality. Next I became certified to teach Guardians of Gaia, then the Fusion course teaching certification came, followed by the Seraphic Tour of the Solar System. And my last certification is to teach Seraphim Advanced Healing. As of 2016 there are only three teachers, in addition to Ruth Rendely the founder, in the United States certified to teach all these levels, Alex Brandin of San Francisco, CA, Brenda Calvin of Las Vegas, and myself. There are other teachers certified in Japan, Germany and Turkey among other international countries. My heart’s desire is that soon there will be many more.
Experiencing the Seraph

For me this Seraphim Blueprint system merges profoundly with my relationship with Jesus as my first personal spiritual teacher and beloved friend. It was Jesus who during meditation introduced me to Buddha as his friend and other religious teachers allowing me to realize our Connected Universe. My 40,000 hours of meditation enlarged my Christian belief system and it was Jesus who revealed to me the reality of reincarnation.
I had a significant paradigm shift before I encountered Seraphim Blueprint. Taking the classes excited me because I felt receiving the energies could be explained as having 10 years of psychiatric counseling leading you to the full potential of your Christ consciousness or full human potential. I didn’t want others to take as long as I had to expand their consciousness. We don’t have time. This is the fast track.
I find the energies grounding, protective, intelligent, safe, true, beautiful, healing, growing, and most important serving as a messenger of God for our highest and best good. Though the notes of Seraphim Blueprint system itself do not refer to Christ and God or to any specific religion it seems that is the way it should be in order to promote universal unbounded love and celestial reality for all of humanity. We are not alone but we are individuals. Science, such as biology, and physics, is leading us to intellectually know the role of the Photon and electrical/magnetic energy, gravity, the Strong force and the Weak force expanding our understanding of how energy works. We can begin to understand that what we think and believe matters and affects all of us. We must learn to work to be participants in the change and find our group mission. The Seraphim Blueprint System fulfills my dream of seeing paradise on earth, going beyond yet including Christianity, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Tibetans etc, as the lion and the lamb, the Pleiadians, Sirians and the Arcturians, the fairies and the gnomes, the birds and the beasts, the Middle East and the Russians, the republicans and the democrats, America and….. learn to live in peace, experiencing harmony and becoming Unbounded Love.