Advanced Healing Details

The Seraphim Blueprint Advanced Healing course has a prerequisite of Levels 1-3 and is often taught right after Level 3.  This course is for the people who are especially interested in healing others as well as growing and healing themselves.  The attunements allow all the other healing modalities that you have previously learned to be incorporated into the methods you use with Seraphim Blueprint.  Students/practitioners have found that their previous skills have become more potent and effective bringing both healing to the students but also awareness of what’s being healed and the source of the disease in the first place.  In addition, there is the ability to empower multiple crystals at one time with Seraphim Blueprint and to empower a crystal with a healing modality you have previously learned.  You will discover how you can send healing energies to faraway places. 


The most treasured part of this course are four special attunements that enhance gratitude and loving interaction with yourself, your soul purpose, people, light (energy bodies) and all that is.  This is a powerful healing and marvelously tender course.

Price: $150

9am to 5pm Eastern Time, with a 1 hr break for lunch

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